Licensing Education Policies

IBAS maintains several internal policies to uphold the integrity, quality, and consistency of its licensing exams. These policies, found below, were last updated and effective on August 29, 2023.

1. Proctoring

  1. To be eligible to act as a proctor for licensing exams, individuals must meet one of the following criteria:

    1. Hold a valid Level 3 Property and Casualty (P&C) Insurance Licence from the General Insurance Council of Saskatchewan (GICS);
    2. Hold a valid Level 3 Adjuster Licence from GICS;
    3. Be an approved exam proctor/supervisor at a recognized post-secondary institution; or
    4. Be currently employed by IBAS.

  2. Proctor nomination forms must be submitted no less than three (3) business days prior to the date of the exam. Forms not signed by both the examinee and proposed proctor with the correct exam dates will be rejected.

  3. Exam proctors are responsible for:

    1. Ensuring the examinee is supervised at all times and does not have access to any unpermitted materials or aids that might assist them in answering the exam questions;
    2. Reporting immediately to IBAS any suspected cheating or misconduct;
    3. Ensuring the exam is administered within the time allotted; and
    4. Ensuring the examinee does not save or reproduce any written, printed, or electronic copies of the exam content.

2. Exams

  1. Exam registration is to be completed no less than three (3) business days prior to the exam date.

  2. Upon exam approval by IBAS, exams must be completed in within one (1) calendar year from the date of registration. Incomplete exams will be cancelled and are not subject to refund.

  3. Students may attempt the same exam three (3) times. Within that context, GICS Bylaws and GICS Auto Bylaws shall be considered the same exam. Should the third exam be failed, the student must wait six (6) months to re-write the failed exam.

  4. Should an exam be failed following the six-month waiting period, the period begins again based on the date of the second failed exam.

  5. Exams cancelled for any reason are subject to full refund if the exam has not been started.

  6. Exams may be deferred one time at no cost. Additional exam date changes are subject to a $50 fee (plus tax).

  7. Students may challenge the results of their exam by requesting that exams be remarked.

    1. This request must be received by IBAS within 30 days of the release of original grades.
    2. A $75 (plus tax) remarking fee is applied, but is refundable if the remarking results in a higher grade.
    3. Should the remarked results be lower than the original results, the original mark will be applied.

  8. Students may request additional aids when writing exams to accommodate certain confirmed disabilities. This may include additional time to write an exam or dictation by the exam proctor. A doctor’s note may be required to qualify.

3. Exam Markers

  1. Individuals who are retained to mark exams by IBAS cannot proctor exams. 

  2. To be eligible for consideration as an IBAS exam marker, individuals must hold a valid Level 3 P&C Insurance Licence (or equivalent as approved by IBAS), have been or be actively employed in the insurance industry, and have successfully completed all four Canadian Accredited Insurance Broker (CAIB) exams.

4. Integrity & Misconduct

  1. Examinees that are deemed to have cheated or acted dishonestly by IBAS will automatically fail the exam in question and will be banned from writing IBAS-administrated exams for one (1) year.

  2. Related misconduct by either the proctor or examinee will automatically invalidate the candidate’s exam results, rending them ineligible for licensing or designation purposes.

  3. Any deviation from exam rules by the student or proctor may be subject to disciplinary measures by GICS. It is considered a breach of professional ethics to act as an exam proctor and not follow the proctor instructions as outlined in this policy.

  4. Students deemed by IBAS to have manipulated or changed related documents, including — but not limited to — credit hour certificates, will be barred from receiving credit hours from any IBAS course or event for one (1) year, and may be subject to disciplinary measures by GICS.

5. Exam Administration

  1. IBAS Auto I & II

    1. These are closed book exams. Students may not have any reference materials or tools during the exams.
    2. The maximum allotted time is two (2) hours. It is the proctor's responsibility to time exams.
    3. The passing grade is 70%.
    4. Questions can be completed in any order. Once the final submit button as been clicked on the review page, the exam is submitted and answers cannot be changed.

  2. General Bylaws & Auto Bylaws
    1. These are open book exams. Students are permitted to bring a printed copy of the General Insurance Council of Saskatchewan Bylaws containing no additional markings, highlights, or notes.
    2. The maximum allotted time is one (1) hour.
    3. The passing grade is 75%. Results will be automatically displayed upon submission.
    4. Questions can be completed in any order. Once the final submit button as been clicked on the review page, the exam is submitted and answers cannot be changed.

  3. Fundamentals of Insurance

    1. These are closed book exams. Students may not have any reference materials or tools during the exams.
    2. The maximum allotted time is 2.5 hours (150 minutes).
    3. The passing grade is 75%. Results will be automatically displayed upon submission.
    4. Questions can be completed in any order. Once the final submit button as been clicked on the review page, the exam is submitted and answers cannot be changed.

  4. CAIB

    1. These are closed book exams. Students may bring one sheet of blank paper, a writing tool (i.e. pen or pencil), and a calculator. No other tools or materials are permitted.
    2. The maximum allotted time is 3.5 hours (210 minutes).
    3. The passing grade is 60%. Students will be notified when marks are available.
    4. Questions can be completed in any order. Once the final submit button as been clicked on the review page, the exam is submitted and answers cannot be changed.

For more information about any of these policies, please e-mail